Essentialist Explanation

I found this website recently listing puns on languages. Many gave me a hearty laughter.
English is essentially language's equivalent to a transvestite.
--Andreas Johansson
Inglish iz issenshali a langwidje dhat, wen rittun fonetkli, iz ilejibul tu netiv spikerz.
--Peter Bleackley
English is essentially the language of people who think that everybody else speaks their language. French is essentially the language of people who think that everybody else should speak theirs.
--Peter Bleackley
Australian English is essentially what happens to you after living in isolation for too long.
--Fumiko Amaya
American English is essentially what British English would sound like with better oral hygiene.
American English originated from English immigrants who lost their tongues because of lack of vitamin C during their sea voyage.
--Kees van den Berg
American English is essentially English after having been wiped off with a dirty sponge.
--J.R.R. Tolkien
Today's British English is what today's American English would have become if Americans hadn't had any fun either.
--Glen Perkins
Texan English is essentially Spanish as spoken by drunken American rebels.
--Javier de la Rosa
King James English is essentially the language that many Americans think Jesus spoke. "If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me!"
--Dan Seriff
Southern US English is essentially Irish English spoken through moonshine and whiskey instead of stout and ale.
--Andrew Johnson
The complete list can be found here. But  it will not be funny if you don't speak/understand more than one European language.

5 komentar:

Natta mengatakan...

Suka banget sama komen nya si Xander .
Fumiko Amaya juga lucu.

Sena mengatakan...

baru ngecek linknya, gw suka yg ini ^^

English is essentially an imprecise dialect of Java, without the object orientation. (Julian Morrison)

Arema mengatakan...

Nata, makana jangan kelamaan di Kalimantan, terisolasi tar ngomongnya jadi gitu hihihi

Asakura Sena, so you too code in Java? I do that as a profession :)
Kalo aku yg paling kocak ini:
Germänn ist eßëntiälly Ënglisch mit ein few Tschängen und das käpitäal Lëtteren und Lötten von Dötten.

Alil mengatakan...

kalo malanglish piye ya..?

Miss Complain mengatakan...

Germänn ist eßëntiälly Ënglisch mit ein few Tschängen und das käpitäal Lëtteren und Lötten von Dötten.

Stimmt! hahahahaha...lucu banget!

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